Insights from The Chosen Season 5 Official Trailer
Updated: Feb 21
The first full trailer for The Chosen Season 5 has finally dropped. Below I will break down some of the key new and expanded scenes and consider what the trailer tells us about The Chosen Season 5 and the insights it provides into how The Chosen is adapting the biblical story of Holy Week and the Last Supper. I've also done a video discussion of the trailer here and you can also find a breakdown of the teaser trailer here.
Breakdown of The Chosen Season 5 Trailer

“I do believe that Jesus is most likely the Messiah” (Judas meets with Caiphas)
The trailer opens with a meeting between Caiaphas, Judas, and Shmuel (in the background). Judas is agreeing to betray Jesus – but makes a startling admission: he actually does think Jesus is most likely the Messiah. When questioned by Caiaphas as to why he is still handing Jesus over, Judas simply replies that he hasn’t seen enough.
This gives us insight into Judas’ motivation for betraying Jesus in The Chosen Season 5. In some adaptations of the Gospels, Judas is completely disillusioned with Jesus and betrays him as a result. But the idea that Judas might have betrayed Jesus in order to provoke him to act is also quite common. This appears to be what we see in The Chosen Season 5 trailer. When Judas says that he hasn’t seen enough, he doesn’t mean he hasn’t seen enough to believe that Jesus is God’s servant. Rather, what Judas means is that he hasn’t seen Jesus taking enough of the type of action that he expects. Handing Jesus over to Caiaphas is a way for Judas to force Jesus’ hand. Later, when some of the disciples try to take up arms to protect Jesus from the mob, Jesus will remark how he could at any moment call down an army of angels to protect himself if that was what he wanted. It appears that in The Chosen Season 5 that is essentially what Judas mistakenly expects Jesus will do when he is betrayed.
“By what authority are you doing these things? My own!” (Jesus cleanses the Temple)
The next segment of The Chosen Season 5 trailer gives us more detail from the scene of Jesus cleansing the temple and challenging the religious establishment. As he walks about the Temple, we hear Jesus lamenting over Jerusalem (ala Matthew 23:27-39). After he takes out his whip, the religious leaders question what authority he has to challenge the Temple order and Jesus declares that it is by his own authority – the boldest affirmation of his divinity thus far.

“Woe to you Scribes and Pharisees!” (Jesus confronts Shmuel)
In a later confrontation in the Temple courtyard, Jesus faces Shmuel and his fellow Pharisees and pronounces woe upon them – a rebuke that seems to land hard on Shmuel. To provide contrast, we cut to the scene of Jesus blessing a betrothal and hear Yussif defending Jesus and how he is offering a vision to redeem the world. Then we cut back to Shmuel, protesting a little too much that Jesus is not the Messiah. While these moments are clearly not sequential, they appear to be designed to give us insight into the turmoil that Shmuel will face as a result of his decision to double down on his opposition to Jesus.
“Rome will descend upon us all!” (The Triumphal Entry and the Siege of Jerusalem)
After a few shots of the Triumphal Entry, we see a Sadducee leader confront Jesus outside of Jerusalem and warn Jesus that if he declares himself a sovereign, Rome will descend upon all of the Jewish people. As if to confirm this, we see Atticus leading some Roman soldiers in a raid on what I suspect are Zealot rebels (perhaps Barabbas or the thieves crucified beside Jesus). And to add further emphasis, we get several shots of Roman soldiers fighting Zealots as Jerusalem burns around them – a flashforward to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. It’s a far more extensive an action-packed sequence than I had expected – just reinforcing my suspicion that we will get a long cold open sequence set in 70 AD.

“I want peace, just like you.” (Atticus reports on the Pharisees and Pilate pleads with Caiaphas)
The Roman destruction of Jerusalem is not inevitable, however. We get a scene of Atticus informing Pilate of the plot to arrest Jesus. To reinforce the severity of the situation, we see the disciples, during the Last Supper, look out the window and see Roman soldiers searching the streets. But then we cut to Pilate apparently pleading with Caiaphas to not pursue the plot against Jesus, warning him that their alliance will be over if he goes through with it.
This is an unique way to frame Pilate’s approach to Jesus’ case. Most adaptations have Pilate only mildly aware of Jesus prior to his arrest. Not only has The Chosen made Pilate far more aware of Jesus throughout Holy Week, in Season 5 his efforts to avoid condemning Jesus to death begin even before the arrest takes place.

“There is talk of a collaborator from within his own followers” (The disciples at the Last Supper)
We cut to a shot of the Last Supper, as Yussif (?) reports to someone (perhaps Atticus?) that one of Jesus’ own followers may be collaborating with the Pharisees. To reinforce the sense of intrigue, we see a shot of some cloaked figures pulling a mysterious cart at night.
“The city’s on edge. If you succeed, I’ll be the one left to pick up the pieces.” (Caiaphas and Herod)
Pilate apparently isn’t the only one trying to stop the Pharisees from plotting against Jesus. We get a brief moment between Caiaphas and King Herod in which Herod appears to bemoan how he will be forced to deal with the chaos that the religious leaders will cause if they arrest Jesus. We also get a quick shot of a man with an execution hood (perhaps the cargo of the mystery cart from earlier) being led in from the night.

“Keep your distance from me in Jerusalem.” (Jesus and the female disciples)
To heighten the sense of danger, we linger on a private dinner that Jesus has with just his female disciples (and mother Mary). Jesus asks them to keep their distance from him – presumably concerned that they may end up becoming targets for his enemies. This scene also may provide an explanation for why only the twelve disciples – and none of the women – appear to be present at the Last Supper. It may also explain why the woman will ultimately be the only ones capable of attending the crucifixion (because they aren’t being targeted like the other disciples). We also get a quick night shot of Judas putting up his hood (presumably on his way to betray Jesus). We see Jesus breaking the bread in the Last Supper. And we see a mysterious man (Mark perhaps? And/or the Watcher from Season 4) sneak up on Mary Magdalene and cover her mouth to keep her quiet.

“Your serpents! How will you escape being condemned to hell?” (Montage)
As we hear Jesus denouncing the Pharisees and Scribes, we get a montage of quick shots – moneychangers extorting people at the Temple, Jesus looking on the Temple at night with sadness, more of Jerusalem burning, the Sanhedrin, Jesus with Mary Magdalene and John, and Jesus using the whip and turning over tables.

“What have you done?” (Jesus pushes Judas over the edge)
We then see Caiaphas and the religious elites looking on Jesus, aghast at his attack on the Temple. Then we see Judas looking on in fear. Thus the trailer returns to where it began – and gives us insight into the moment that ultimately caused the opening meeting between Caiaphas and Judas.
Final Thoughts on The Chosen Season 5 Trailer
The Chosen Season 5 Trailer further reinforces my excitement for the upcoming season. A few random thoughts I haven’t noted above:
During our interview, Dallas told me he thought this would be my favorite season yet. I think he's probably right!
The Chosen Season 5 looks like it will easily be the most action-packed season so far.
The use of Johnny Cash’s “God’s Gonna Cut You Down” was inspired
I was surprised by just how prominently the destruction of Jerusalem was featured. I suspect the show is wanting to show off what will almost certainly be one of the most visually arresting moments of The Chosen so far.
I’m a little surprised we haven’t seen any sign of Quintus or Nicodemus (who is rumored to be returning)

What are your thoughts about what we’ve seen of The Chosen Season 5? Was there anything in the trailer that I missed? I’d love to chat in the comments below!
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